Ballon stratosphérique

session #5 - 6th of december -distribution of sensors and start of research for on-board experiments

Par Titouan VERNEY, publié le mardi 6 décembre 2022 17:33 - Mis à jour le vendredi 9 décembre 2022 15:09


The distribution of sensors and mechanisms is as follows:
-altimeter and brightness for Oscar Joan and Samuel 
-gas for Gabin Theo and Elina 
-pressure for Naël and Raphaël 
-Parachute opening detector for Chloe and Titouan 
-camera trigger for Gabin Theo and Elina -temperature is for Manon Aurianna Tessa and Maelys
And that’s all we did tonight.

 Verney Titouan , 4°2